As the highly anticipated Amazon Original series, Indian Police Force, is all set for an exhilarating release week, Prime Video unveiled the heart-thumping title track. The song boasts a musical masterpiece crafted by the brilliant composer and singer Lijo George along with DJ Chetas. With a unique blend of musical prowess and artistic vision, the title track sets the stage for an immersive journey into the world of crime, justice, and the valiant officers of the Indian Police Force. True to Rohit Shetty’s signature style of impactful beats and catchy tunes, this one is also set to make a benchmark evoking the feeling of patriotism. Enjoy the amazing musical beats of the song from Indian Police Force and walk into the upcoming release week in swag like the stylish police officers Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty and Vivek Oberoi from the series.
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Created by Rohit Shetty and directed by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash, the series features Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty and Vivek Oberoi in lead roles along with Shweta Tiwari, Nikitin Dheer, Rituraj Singh, Mukesh Rishi, Lalit Parimoo in pivotal roles. Indian Police Force pays a heartfelt tribute to the selfless service, unwavering commitment, and fierce patriotism of Indian police officers who put everything on the line in their call of duty to keep the nation safe. The seven-episode series is set to premiere exclusively on January 19, 2024, on Prime Video in India and across more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.