The recent release of “Tu Hai Kahaan” from the upcoming film “Do Aur Do Pyaar,” featuring Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi, has struck a chord with music lovers everywhere. Making a highly anticipated comeback after nine years, Lucky Ali joins forces with The Local Train, sparking excitement among their loyal fanbase.
The Local Train band has unveiled charming behind-the-scenes footage from the creation of “Tu Hai Kahaan,” providing fans with an intimate look into the song’s making. Witness Lucky Ali and The Local Train collaboratively crafting this enchanting composition against stunning natural backdrops. “Tu Hai Kahaan” serves as a heartfelt tribute to love, resonating with listeners on a deeper level.
Directed by Shirsha Guha Thakurta and presented by Applause Entertainment, in association with Ellipsis Entertainment, “Do Aur Do Pyaar” promises a captivating tale of romance woven with surprises. Set against a backdrop of mesmerizing melodies, the film invites audiences on a journey where love knows no bounds.
Mark your calendars as “Do Aur Do Pyaar” arrives in theaters on April 19, 2024.