Bollywood star & youth icon Ayushmann Khurrana will attend the prestigious TIME100 Gala event in New York that sees the iconic TIME Magazine honour the most influential people of the world!
Ayushmann has been honoured twice by the TIME Magazine – for the haloed TIME100 Impact Award 2023 and TIME100 in which he was chosen to be amongst 100 Most Influential People of the World in 2020! Ayushmann has been invited by TIME to grace the big-ticket event that sees the biggest disruptors of the world come together in one room.
He has received these recognitions for his invaluable contribution towards pushing the content envelope in India through his brand of disruptive cinema as well as his exemplary work for child rights protection as the UNICEF Ambassador. Ayushmann Khurrana was the only Indian to be chosen for the TIME100 Impact Award last year!
Ayushmann will be seen in the company of the biggest pop star of the world today, Dua Lipa at the TIME100 Gala. The event is expected to also have legendary and iconic personalities like Sofia Coppola (Film director and screenwriter), Elliot Page (Actor and film producer), Kylie Minogue (Singer-songwriter and actress), Max Verstappen (F1 driver), Michael J. Fox (Movie Actor), Taraji P. Henson (American Actress), Tory Burch (Designer) to name a few.