Renowned producer Ektaa R Kapoor, known for her prolific contributions to the Indian film and television industry, is set to release her upcoming movie, “Thank You For Coming,” Directed by Karan Boolani, and written by Radhika Anand and Prashasti Singh. As the release date gets closer, she shared a special memory from the year 1991, of her first TV show’s muhurat shot!
In a recent social media post, Ektaa R Kapoor posted a picture from a significant moment in her career in the year 1991. It’s her way of saying thankyou for the choices that led her to become a successful producer.
Ektaa R Kapoor says, “Hey Ektaa, This is me, 30 years later your older self. I know what you are feeling now. I actually remember you very clearly. 17 year old you all nervous and confused, wearing a salwar kurta, trying to look all grown up, sitting with you mom, starting your very first show. This is my love letter to you. To my younger self. I want to tell you it’ll all workout, it’ll all be okay. But how will it? When you yourself dont know how to love yourself? When you never felt seen and heard. How will you tell a story that people will hear? Well, let me tell you, self love will be a journey that you might not even accomplish many years later. But it will work out. There will be bad days, there will be good days, you will feel ostracized, you will feel left out, but you will make your own space. And one day you will find yourself. You will also be honored with the Padmashree and by end 2023 you will be going to collect an Emmy Directorate, the second Indian to get it. But beyond all these honors, the questions will still, the challenges will still be there. But you will survive. The insecurities will still be there but you will know what to do with them. My darling Ektaa, this is a love letter to you. Thank you for taking the first step when you were most unsure. Thank you for showing up. Thank You For Coming.”
Ektaa R Kapoor’s journey in entertainment has been impressive. She’s known for making content that connects with people of all ages. “Thank You For Coming” is another example of her dedication to making good movies.
“Thank You For Coming,” explores themes like female friendship, the challenges single women face, and modern women’s pursuit of pleasure and independence. Produced by Balaji Telefilms Limited and Anil Kapoor Film Communication Network Pvt. Ltd, “Thank You For Coming” will hit theaters worldwide on October 6th, 2023.