The most-awaited coming-of-age dramedy directed by Karan Boolani has created a massive stir across all social media platforms. Whether it’s the stylish appearances of the starcast, their first groovy song – Haanji, a progressive narrative or the incredible international reviews, the film is grabbing all eyeballs, across the nation. The film stars Bhumi Pednekar as Kanika Kapoor in the leading role and it’s the first time ever that she’ll be sharing screen space with legendary actor Anil Kapoor.
Speaking about her experience working with him, the proficient actress said in an interview, “ To begin with I was extremely nervous but he’s one of the kindest, nicest, most motivating, and inspirational people I know. He’s incredible, he knows the impact he makes on people so he makes sure he makes all of us comfortable because we all are in just awe of him, he’s a breeze to work with.”
Thank You For Coming celebrates and empowers womanhood in a fun and entertaining manner, the film gives out a strong and powerful message and also tickles your funny bones at the same time.
Produced by Balaji Telefilms Limited and Anil Kapoor Film Communication Network Pvt. Ltd, directed by Karan Boolani, and written by Radhika Anand and Prashasti Singh, “Thank You For Coming” will be released in theatres worldwide on October 6th, 2023.