In this week’s IMDb Popular Indian Celebrities list, Amy Jackson has secured the top position, driven by the buzz around her wedding to Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick. Sharvari holds the second position following the OTT release of Munjya, in which she stars alongside Abhay Verma, who also made his mark at 19th place on the list.
Dhanush, who has both directed and written the upcoming movie Nilavuku Enmel Ennadi Kobam, is ranked 18th due to the recent release of a new single from the film. Meanwhile, Kritika Kamra has earned the 25th spot for her recent performance in the series Gyaarah Gyaarah, alongside her co-star Raghav Juyal, who is ranked 29th.
The Popular Indian Celebrities feature, available exclusively on the IMDb app for Android and iOS, highlights the top trending Indian entertainers and filmmakers each week. This is based on more than 200 million monthly visits to IMDb worldwide. Entertainment fans can see who is trending every week, follow their favorite entertainers, and discover new breakout talent.